F1c Gordon Eddy Moulton
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- F1c Gordon Eddy Moulton

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F1c Gordon Eddy Moulton
Gordon Eddy Moulton was born Aug. 13, 1921 in California. His parents were Alice L. Moulton and Eddy S. Moulton. The father was a fruit dealer and the mother a homemaker.
By early 1930 the family lived in San Jose south of San Francisco. The father died when Gordon was 12 and the mother when he was 16 or 17. The exact date of her 1938 death could not be determined, but Gordon enlisted in the Navy on Nov. 9 of that year.
He was a fireman first class on the U.S.S. Arizona when he was killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941.
His only surviving relative, Harold Aubrey Moulton, served from February 1942 until November 1945. The branch of his service isn’t identified in his Veterans Administration death file. The 1930 Census said the Moultons were brothers, though the Navy next-of-kin list for Gordon said Harold was his foster brother.
Sources: U.S. Veterans Administration; Census; Navy muster roll; parents grave marker. Navy photo. Note: the 1930 Census spelled the father’s name as Eddy, but his grave marker says it is Eddie. This profile was researched and written on behalf of the U.S.S. Arizona Mall Memorial at the University of Arizona.