S1c Lewis Jackson Pike
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- S1c Lewis Jackson Pike

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S1c Lewis Jackson Pike
Lewis Jackson Pike was born April 16, 1919 near Morven in Brooks County in south-central Georgia 20 miles north of the Florida border. His mother, Lila Johnson Pike, was a homemaker and his father, Albert Pike, a farmer.
The family, which included about eight children, lived in the house where Albert Pike was born in 1878 and died in 1945.
Lewis Pike left the Morven district — population 2,585 — in November 1939 to enlist in the Navy. He was a seaman first class on the U.S.S. Arizona when he was killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941.
At least one brother, William L., served in World War II. He was an Army private first class.
A cenotaph in memory of Lewis is at Hall Cemetery in Morven. His parents are buried there.
Sources: The Madison (Florida) Enterprise Recorder; Navy muster roll; Census; cenotaph. This profile was researched and written on behalf of the U.S.S. Arizona Mall Memorial at the University of Arizona.