GM3c Raymond Alfred Nusser
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- GM3c Raymond Alfred Nusser

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GM3c Raymond Alfred Nusser
Raymond Alfred Nusser was born May 7, 1916 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. His mother, Mary Rippl Nusser, was a homemaker and his father William Nusser a soft drink merchant and later owner of Spring Brook Tavern. The mother was an Austrian immigrant.
One of seven children, Raymond graduated in 1935 from Oshkosh High School, where he played basketball and football. Mr. Nusser enlisted in the Navy that July 30.
For fun, he played right end on teams representing the U.S.S. Arizona and the Pacific fleet and dreamed of turning pro when his service ended. In a ceremony in January 1940 before the entire crew of the Arizona, Mr. Nusser was among 32 football players, five boxers, and six wrestlers awarded letter sweaters. “The sweaters are of excellent material and workmanship, and have been purchased by Welfare Funds to express the appreciation and esteem in which our athletes are held by the ship’s company,” At ‘Em Arizona, the ship’s newsletter, reported in January 1940. “The recipients will wear them with pride and satisfaction that will increase as the years roll by. If they are careful they may even be able to hand them on to their sons.”
Mr. Nusser was a gunner’s mate and petty officer third class on the Arizona when he was killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941.
Two older brothers, William and Arthur, served in the Army during the war and survived.
Sources: The Oshkosh (Wisconsin) Northwestern; The Daily Tribune of Wisconsin Rapids; Census; Navy muster roll; grave markers; Omro Veterans Memorial in Omro, Wisconsin.; Defense Department; At ‘Em Arizona. This profile was researched and written on behalf of the U.S.S. Arizona Mall Memorial at the University of Arizona.