S1c Robert Erickson

Robert Erickson was born Sept. 23, 1922 in Grand Rapids, Wisconsin.

The 1930 Census identified his father, Simon “Sam” Erick Erickson, as a farmer, and his mother, Ida Johnson Erickson, as a homemaker. They were immigrants from either Sweden or Finland. They were Lutherans.

By late October 1936 the family – which eventually included 10 children – moved to Snohomish, Washington north of Seattle. Robert completed 9th grade at the local high school and also worked for six months as a farm hand.

He enlisted in the Navy on Oct. 22, 1940, after receiving a waiver for falling a half-inch short of the minimum height requirement. He was five-foot, three-and-a-half-inches and weighed 125 pounds. His starting pay was $21 a month.

He was a seaman first class on the U.S.S. Arizona when he was killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941.

Two brothers served in WWII – Raymond Oscar in the Army and Arthur in the Navy.,

Sources: The Daily Tribune of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin; The Daily Herald of Everett, Washington; Census; Navy enlistment records and muster roll; draft registration card.; U.S. Department of Defense. This profile was researched and written on behalf of the U.S.S. Arizona Mall Memorial at the University of Arizona.

NOTE: If you are a family member related to this crew member of the U.S.S. Arizona, or have additional information, pictures or documents to share about his life or service to our county please contact us through our FAMILY MEMBER SUBMISSION FORM