Congressional Legislation is being proposed to fund the U.S.S. Arizona Unknowns
Representative Doug Lamborn from Colorado’s 5th district has actually been trying to help the U.S.S. Arizona unknowns long before “Operation 85” ever came along. His interest in utilizing new DNA technology from private entities has been proposed in the past, but never made it into any bills or amendments. After OP85’s recent meeting with the DPAA, which staff members of Mr. Lamborn’s office attended, we were all able to better understand the DPAA’s concerns with testing and using new technology on service members remains. All agreed continuing to get DNA Family Reference Samples from living family members was the most effective path forward at this time to potentially make any identifications in the future. When available, we will share any proposed amendments related to the U.S.S. Arizona with you.
Thank you! You have 3 USS Arizona casualties from Holyoke Colo.
Our deceased veterans deserve to be found and honored .